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white paper

Turn the tide on financial crime

Leverage digital tools to manage risk, protect customers, and mitigate the impact of financial economic crime.

As gatekeepers to the financial system, banks play a key role in protecting our economy from criminal interference. As a result, financial institutions are subject to ever-stricter regulations and scrutiny. At the same time, global economic turmoil and ever-more sophisticated, tech-enabled financial economic crime are making the banks’ jobs even harder.

Some figures:

  • 16b in criminal money is estimated to be laundered annually in the Netherland

  • Less than 1% of criminal funds moving through the global banking system actually get stopped

Therefore, in combating financial economic crime, banks must radically change their approach. Fortunately, there are tactical changes that banks can make to gain quick advantages that reduce the impact of financial economic crime.

In the white paper "How banks can turn the tide on financial crime", we explain what the banking industry is up against today. We also outline how banks can transform their approach to better manage risk, protect customers and help mitigate the impact of financial crime.

Want to know more? Download the white paper.

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