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Empowering Public Organizations

Citizen-centric, data-driven and flexible services for a reliable government

At a glance

Navigating the future of public services

These days virtually every public sector department is under pressure to deliver more value at the same or lower costs. Governments must be ready to provide and receive digital information anytime, anywhere, and on any device. And they must do that securely, compliantly, and in a way that’s accessible to all.

Users of government services expect the same seamless digital experiences as provided by commercial organizations. In response, public institutions are rethinking their IT landscapes and operating models. But siloed structures, legacy systems, and complex regulations can hamper user-centric service delivery. Removing these bottlenecks is both a priority and a challenge.


In our whitepaper, The Reliable Government, we pinpoint four key steps that every transforming government agency should focus on becoming:

  • more robust through cybersecurity and data stewardship;

  • more agile through adaptable IT and flexible working models;

  • more effective by better utilizing data and analytics;

  • more citizen-centric by delivering seamless digital customer experiences.

Unlocking societal value

At Ordina, we recognize the complexities involved. However, we can see beyond them. We turn these challenges into opportunities by leveraging our proven expertise in adaptable IT, digital security, and data-driven approaches. We can navigate this journey together, creating citizen-centric services that responds quickly to societal demands and enhances the experience for citizens and businesses alike.

Adaptable IT

Adaptable IT

Adapt your IT infrastructure flexibly to meet changing needs and challenges.

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Digital security

Digital security

Safeguard your digital assets with comprehensive security measures and strategies.

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Data-driven working

Data-driven working

Harness the power of data-driven approaches to enhance your workflow and decision-making processes.

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Citizen-centric services

Citizen-centric services

Design and deliver services that prioritize the needs and satisfaction of citizens.

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Composable Architecture

Governments are struggling how to respond more quickly to changing societal and organizational needs. This agility is becoming increasingly important due to increasing social dynamics, higher expectations from citizens and businesses, and new political aspirations.

So the question is, how can governments make policy, legislation and implementation better and faster? One possible solution is to apply a composable enterprise architecture combined with a data strategy and lifecycle approach. In this blog, we explain the concept of composable architecture and the three steps required to achieve it.

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Would you like more information on this topic? Get in touch.

Dennis Struyk

Director Public