These days virtually every public sector department is under pressure to deliver more value at the same or lower costs. Governments must be ready to provide and receive digital information anytime, anywhere, and on any device. And they must do that securely, compliantly, and in a way that’s accessible to all.
Users of government services expect the same seamless digital experiences as provided by commercial organizations. In response, public institutions are rethinking their IT landscapes and operating models. But siloed structures, legacy systems, and complex regulations can hamper user-centric service delivery. Removing these bottlenecks is both a priority and a challenge.
In our whitepaper, The Reliable Government, we pinpoint four key steps that every transforming government agency should focus on becoming:
more robust through cybersecurity and data stewardship;
more agile through adaptable IT and flexible working models;
more effective by better utilizing data and analytics;
more citizen-centric by delivering seamless digital customer experiences.